There I was, a daygame coach trying to get all the students laid.
The thing is, at the time I had students struggling with their mindsets during Covid 19 for daygame.
The big problem was that before Covid 19, they could get laid in daygame by playing a numbers game.
During Covid 19, due to all the stress, every lockdown, variant, their mindsets became more chaotic.
It was like a stormy ocean compared to before.
Most people already drown, no matter how hard they tried.
They are less teachable, more resistant to my advice,
played a numbers game without learning the skillset of how to swim properly to get to the get laid during Covid 19 daygame Island since they lacked skills due to their bad mindsets.
That meant they kept playing a numbers game hoping they would eventually get laid.
But if the low SMV zombies didn't get laid with 2000 approaches, what makes them think they would get it with 8000 more approaches making 10,000 approaches?
They were reinforcing bad habits, RSD style, which kept them spam approaching without any skills whatsoever.
They doubled down on it since that is the only thing they knew.
Most of these guys who played a numbers game also talked very fast, due to cortisol, autism.
Were highly delusional, zero skills, no habits.
They won't even rehearse it or practice in the mirror with Elite 30: From Hardcase To Hero since most of them never made it past day 2 of the course
but they can spam approach without skills like a zombie without any forethought trying to be charming or using Charisma which isn't social calibrations or social skills.
Then, as if by chance, something amazing happened...
I taught the 5 mindsets about
1. How teachable/coachable you are.
2. How changable/adaptable you are
3. How much skills you have
4. How much belief you have in yourself
5. Manifestation (thoughts/feelings)!
Instantly it became crystal clear to me how to score the student out of 50.
Most of the worst students scored below 10.
The 52 year old student once scored that low in 2020.
In 2021, his mindsets are well above 40 where he got 3 lays, one 21 year old, one 25, another 21 year old.
Even if his SMV or sexual market value was identical, his mindsets made it easier to listen to advice.
Easier to be teachable since he said yes sir, without arguing or considering like the zombies who are know it alls who know it none.
He just did it regardless of how he felt since it always led to results in the past because I saw skill set without mindset equals upset.
No matter how much they try to level up their skill set, it wouldn't improve if they just resist, as if they were pulling a handbrake for my instructions.
They will consider what you say, then resist, then say they will do it, give me a 50-second echo chamber of excuses how they will do it, then doesn't even start for almost half a year.
My plan was to start making a post about this in the concepts section, that if they have comorbidity, like sociopathy, narcissism, autism, ADHD, delusions, their mindsets will always be bad.
So I started educating them that they needed to be teachable, or they can't change.
They won't level up their skills that way without the first two.
While their belief is at an all-time high due to delusions, they aren't getting results.
For manifestation, their thoughts, feelings are terrible.
They sometimes have wrong belief systems they learned from other dating coaches about spam approaching even if they deny it.
Or they think it is volume, which they aren't even getting laid from volume during Covid 19.
I also discarded those low performers with low mindsets, they typically are losers who failed in every category of life.
Maybe some are Aspergers, narrow focus are good at one thing, but terrible or rock bottom at everything else.
But I didn’t stop there.
I then educated the zombies that they often overate their mindsets.
If I ask them how teachable they are, they would often answer with 6 - 7/10,
in reality, it is 0 or 1 occasionally.
If you ask how changeable they are, they will also rate it high, even though it is mostly at 0,
even if they say they are trying their best. But their best isn't good enough
For skills they might say 3 - 5, but they have 0 skills.
For belief its often 10/10 for the RSD zombies.
Even though it gets lower over time as they get rejected more and more. To the point where they will express their sociopath genes.
They get rejected more and more they will snap even if I try to get through to them to improve their mindsets, be teachable... they can't
Also for thoughts and feelings, they don't have a growth mindset so they don't learn new thoughts.
They have low self-esteem thoughts echo chamber that tells them they are always right, don't listen to John Elite, you are the expert.
It always self sabotages them.
For feelings, they get offended easily, with high ego low self-esteem.
If their self-esteem was higher, their ego drops due to competency.
So they ego trip due to a lack of skill which raises their delusions..
After that, I remove these zombies who refuse to learn skills out of certain programs where they don't belong, to more suitable coaching programs where they can take their time due to laziness, not being teachable while I focus on the students who actually want to get laid in daygame.
It was like a rescue helicopter if they were drowning in the Covid 19 ocean with a lot of waves.
I throw them life preservers,
if they refuse to use it, then dismiss it, then swim their own way, they will drown as expected due to low mindsets.
Building on that success, I decided to call them zombies since they didn't seem to be high functioning at all.
Most of these people also don't make a lot of money in their real life, fail at everything else.
They literally act like zombies..
I call it “the 5 mindsets.
The higher it is, the more lays you get during Covid 19.
If your mindsets crash, even from ego-tripping after getting a few fuck buddies, that can also lower your mindsets, plateau you due to raising your ego, lowering your self-esteem.”
With the 5 mindsets. The higher it is, the more lays you get during Covid 19.
If your mindsets crash, even from ego-tripping after getting a few fuck buddies, that can also lower your mindsets,
plateau you due to raising your ego,
lowering your self esteem
I can now get a lot more people laid.
Yes the 20/35 bricks to build that bridge so you can cross over it to get a lay is important.
But so is the 5 mindsets scored out of 50.
Even if your mindset is 25, you would likely get laid since you aren't resisting, procrastinating.
But most of those zombies are below 10.
Most of them are averagely 6/50.!
And that's why I'm so excited to share this with you so you can get these types of results too!