There I was, a daygame coach trying to get people to go through Elite 30 during the pandemic. I got so many students laid who did the 30 day challenge one day at a time.
The thing is, at the time I was I was trying to teach the students with a corpus callosum problems. It is the middle part of the brain that connects the left brain to the right brain.
The big problem was that most pickup artist can't do 3 steps in daygame.
That is why they are lazy, love game tactics, spam approaching due to half resilience.
It makes them low functioning.
That meant they couldn't do the 30 day challenge since they are so lazy since they can't past day 2 of the course.
While all the winners all got laid doing the 30 day challenge one day at a time.
Also, my social skills flow drill are 3 steps repeated.
So even if you are socializing, without the 3 steps, you won't level up for your social skills with 2 steps.
If socializing worked, then why didn't your spam approaching with RSD courses work for you for almost a decade?
Did your social skills level up with the corpus callosum issues? nope, which meant for all the student laid testimonials I posted lots of people were demoralized.
Or using that as motivation to spam approach more due to their non-functioning corpus callosum which is reinforcing bad habits.
Then, as if by chance, something amazing happened...
I taught them about neuropathways and how it takes 21 days to develop a habit even if your corpus callosum is damaged or weak. !
Instantly it became crystal clear to me how to make them go through Elite 30, one day at a time, so they don't go back to spam approaching, because I saw they need to learn GRIT, growth mindset, resilience (full resilience, not half, spam approaching, Instinct (doing it the best way, my way), tenacity to finish the fight or get that lay.
My plan was to start educating them with this new course called Before Elite 30. So that way they have no excuses for being lazy due to the corpus callosum part of their brain.
So I started building this course, so I can educate people why they are failing in daygame. I wanted to regain my old record of 80% of the people pulling a woman home, 70% laid just like before the pandemic. But we didn’t stop there.
I then educated them about other topics like GRIT.
After that, I created a section unbrainwashing people, or deprogramming them.
Building on that success, I decided to just give away 3 free chapters of Elite 30 so you can have a sampler course too.
I call it “Before Elite 30”.
With Before Elite 30 I can now get 80% of the students pulling women home, 70% laid again if I took away all of your excuses!
And that's why I'm so excited to share this with you so you can get these types of results too!
Did you know that it takes 21 days to develop a new habit?
I know it sounds crazy because we’re so used to hearing about it is all a numbers game, volume, go direct, give validation, dhv stories, socialize, act autistic, cringy, try hard behavior since they can't think in 3 steps, and while that is important, I’m going to share three concepts with you today that’s going to revolutionize the way you think about how to practice daygame.
So what are the 3 concepts of neuropathways?
It takes 21 days to develop a new habit.
So the first concept is, do what is hard now, so life becomes easy. Do what is easy now, life becomes hard.
The big idea here is you need to have full resilience, not half resilience. The lazy people when I mention you have to practice in the mirror then go out there will drop their jaws to the floor since that is the face of autism, of laziness, of a lack of a functioning corpus callosum.
Most of these guys lives at home with their parents, barely makes any money, who are broke all the time,
they can't do entrepreneurial stuff since they are lazy, low functioning so they are addicted to game, tactics, spam approaches.
This is important because most daygamers have spent so many years almost a decade spam approaching going from one system to another doing game. Yet the dating coaches are status maxing, not transferable to you since you are too lazy to status max which you will find out later on!
The second concepts is it is like clearing a forest in your brain to build a new path in your brain.
The main thing to understand here is that you need to put in some work to develop skills, neuropathways, clearing the forest to learn new skills. Then you start building roads as you keep doing the 21 day habit. Lastly you can expand the lanes as the cars drives by, making it automatic.
This means if you spam approach, you are building the wrong lanes, clearing the wrong paths by getting auto rejected because you are lazy with half resilience, doing spam approaching being low functioning. It will be a downward spiral, bad habits you can't change.
The third concepts is like a Brazilian Ju-Jitsu fight.
If you go out there fighting or spam approaching without any training, or any skills drilling it down to level up you will get tapped out by the women every single time. It is an inferior strategy due to your laziness.
This is key because you should focus on drilling down the techniques. You don't need everything just the most important technique, the 80/20 principle which we will talk about later. Then when you go on the mat, you win the Brazilian Ju Jitsu match. Or its like training drilling it down in the army so you don't fail.
Now, I know what you’re thinking.
It’s all about game, spam approach, a numbers game, volume.
Well the tricky thing is that you are autistic as hell, corpus callosum issues. It doesn't work so you automatically dismiss Elite 30, some of you haven't even got past day 2. You are already mentally tapped out since you are a lazy autistic low functioning person.!
And so I’ve created this Elite 30: From Hardcase To Hero digital product you can stop being a creepy cringey PUA spam approaching like a RSD victim taking massive uncalibrated action as you keep getting tapped out or auto rejected.
And I, as daygame coach with nearly 500 laid/pull testimonials in the world at the time of this video, will be more than 500 soon who has nearly 500 laid/pull testimonials, what I do is I train you like the army, or like how I was trained in Krav Maga. I drilled everything down, kept getting it corrected until it was automatic. .
So what I’ve done is I’ve created this program to get rid of all of your excuses, so you never have to ask for free advice, it is all here giving you clarity on how to succeed or get laid in daygame like so many of my students. Also, I want that 80% pull, 70% of my students laid back. No soldiers left behind mentality. Since this is the solution, not the long drawn out treatment which other dating coaches were using to make you fail in their digital products not getting you laid so you take their bootcamps. Of course you like bootcamps as the first resort since you are low functioning, but I am saying there is another way. A path many of my students took, which was drilling it all down. Some of my students repeats Elite 30, extracts more and more lays that way..
If you click the link, you can check out Elite 30 on my sales letter page, sign up, join now.
We also have more videos here to enlighten you, to unbrainwash you, to get you back on the line, getting that lay. Since my course is proven for the pandemic for daygame while their courses aren't. I have the laid testimonials for it, they don't. Having coaching testimonials doesn't count if it isn't from their daygame products. That just means it was designed as a preview for their bootcamps. But this is the solution, not the long drawn out treatment of worshipping, then no critical thinking, then status maxing, then gaslighting you with half truths, then you fall for it since you look at their subscriber count even if a small percentage of that views their videos. I suspect maybe some are bought, but i'm only speculating, not saying any particular dating coach. I could be wrong about this too. Then you buy their daygame courses, it doesn't work which was designed that way to be confusing with unclear concepts, you blame yourself for not getting laid, then you take their bootcamps as they laugh all the way to the bank. While I am offering you a fast cure. The more laid testimonials I get, the more students I get. At least that is the plan until you started to dismiss it so I am making this prep course for you for Elite 30, but today I’m talking about the Elite 30: From Hardcase To Hero digital product, which is amazing.
I'm John Elite and I can’t wait to see you on the inside.
Have a great day.
Hey, did you know that most of the students has corpus callosum issues. But some of the students has GRIT so they still get laid regardless?
I know it sounds crazy because we’re so used to hearing about it is a numbers game, hard work, if they made enough approaches they will get an automatic lay due to volume if they made at least 10,000 approaches by making 100 a day, and while that is important, I’m going to share three stages of grits with you today that’s going to revolutionize the way you think about this numbers game concept during the pandemic since you won't get laid.
I’m John Elite and I am daygame coach with nearly 500 laid/pull testimonials in the world at the time of this video, will be more than 500 soon who has 500 laid/pull testimonials or close for daygame.
So what is 4 stages of GRIT?
It’s GRIT.
It’s 4 stages, growth mindset, resilience, instinct, tenacity.
So I’m going to share with you 3 stages of grits about GRIT and how you can be coachable, get laid faster by using my daygame system correctly so you get laid. It is anti GRIT if you use their daygame systems since it isn't the best way to do things for everybody since it isn't backed by many laid testimonials for their daygame products or any.
And I know what you’re probably thinking: you have GRIT since you are strong enough to spam approach so you have resilence.
But again, I’m going to show you a great way you can actually get real resilience which is necessary for Omicron or any future variants for daygame and get amazing results.
So the first stages of grit is, G stands for Growth mindset.
The big idea here is if you have a fixed mindset you are screwed. By fixed mindset, it means reasoning by analogy like Mystery said this or RSD said that, Justin Wayne said this, Self proclaimed high laycounts guy said that.
This is important because I reason up by first principles, the fundamental truth of evolutionary psychology. My solutions won't sound like what they preach so you dismissed it due to a lack of growth mindset. !
The second stages of grit is Resilience .
The main thing to understand here is that it makes you continue to move forward with the correct instinct. But the problem is with the PUA zombies are, that is half resilience. Just enough mental energy to spam approach. Its not even high functioning like my students who rehearse in front of the mirror to self correct. This is low functioning, half assed, just a way to express pure autism, corpus callosum issues, laziness, unable to build good neuropathways.
This means you are reinforcing bad habits you can't change. If it takes 21 days to develop a habit, you are essentially ruining your life since you can't see yourself daygaming. Your outer game or social calibrations is completely bad. Like creepy autistic RSD victims going in a downward spiral half assign it. .
The third stages of grit is Instinct.
The more laid testimonials for daygame something has, it is the correct instinct. If it doesn't have more than 6 laid testimonials, it is called a worthless opinion. You won't get laid by it no matter how good it sounds.
This is key because you should focus on drilling down the techniques of Elite 30. That is the best instinct. I was surprised why the PUA zombies couldn't do it. Then I realized they were low functioning. So they can't follow the best instincts due to their corpus callosum since they are lazy low functioning cunts. .
Now, I know what you’re thinking.
It’s all about game, spam approach, a numbers game, volume, going direct giving compliments, validation, romance, funnels.
Well the tricky thing is that that my students are getting laid non stop for daygame,. so you have to dismiss it since you no longer want to get laid. You gone from an Asian carp invasive species unwilling to adapt, to an Asian Monk now, meditating, mass approaching, going direct!
And so I’ve created this Elite 30: From Hardcase To Hero digital product you can apply GRIT to use the course properly.
It has worked for every single lockdown, variant so far. It is timeless. Nothing can stop it. The only thing that can stop it is your laziness, or you dismiss it like a sheep since that is mental laziness dismissing all my laid testimonials when other dating coaches don't have any for their daygame courses. .
And so what this is going to do is actually, get you laid. Its not if you will get laid, but when you get laid. When it happens is if you actually build your social calibrations first then social skills using your Skype for the social skills flow drill with 3 steps.
Hey, did you know that most of the student with corpus callosum problems usually has low mindsets? They are autistic, they think their mindset scores are super high, when it is either 0 or 1 at most?
I know it sounds crazy because we’re so used to hearing about just taking massive action, and while that is important, I’m going to share three mindsetss with you today that’s going to revolutionize the way you upgrade your mindset in daygame to be more coachable for daygame otherwise you can't level up your SMV resisting my advice or levelling up your skillset.
I’m John Elite and I am daygame coach with nearly 500 laid/pull testimonials in the world at the time of this video, will be more than 500 soon who has 500 laid/pull testimonials or close for daygame.
So what is 5 mindsets?
It’s RSD 50 mindsets are completely nonsense, irrelevant you just need 5 mindsets with high GRIT and 20/35.
It’s The first mindset how coachable you are determines your gas pedal. Second how adaptable, changeable is brakes, skills is steering, belief is the gas, manifestation (thoughts/feelings) = destination.
So I’m going to share with you 3 mindsetss about RSD 50 mindsets are completely nonsense, irrelevant you just need 5 mindsets with high GRIT and 20/35 and how you can get multiple lays, adapt faster, since I have all the answers for your daygame problems when you stop resisting.
And I know what you’re probably thinking: its all value, or height or some nonsense.
But again, I’m going to show you a great way you can get laid faster by improving your mindsets, being more coachable, adaptable and get amazing results.
So the first mindsets is, how coachable are you, how teachable.
The big idea here is if you aren't coachable or teachable, I would have to repeat the instructions a hundred times to your zombie brain. If that is the gas pedal you won't go anywhere.
This is important because those with a fixed mindset, know it alls, gaslighted by other dating coaches with bullshit concepts doesn't actually get laid in my training being a know it all saying I know dat, I know dat... who fails miserably!
The second mindsets is how adaptable or changeable you are.
The main thing to understand here is that in evolutionary psychology, it isn't the strongest or fastest species that survives, but the one that is most adaptable to change.
This means you can't get results if you aren't teachable so there is nothing going through your brain. But if you aren't adaptable or changeable it is like if you don't have brakes on your car, you will crash.
The third mindsets is skills.
That skills comes in 4 components. Unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, conscious competence, unconscious competence. .
This is key because you will never level up any skills if you aren't teachable or changeable. That is why the corpus callosum zombies daygamers RSD victims don't level up in skills even if they spam approach socializing. They are lazy, resistant, low self-esteem, delusional zombies spam approachers, not getting laid.
So the fourth mindset is, your belief.
The big idea here is you have to believe you can do it. If you have low coachability, adaptability, skills, you won't believe in yourself especially if you have low SMV or 20/35 score.
This is important because RSD victims often have higher belief, yet with bad social calibrations, not leveling up social skills due to their corpus callosum. So they fail then stop believing in themselves. But there are a lot of low functioning people who don't believe in themselves. Its already game over with that mindset!
The fifth mindsets is Manifestation (thoughts/feelings).
The main thing to understand here is that the world is made of energy. If your thoughts, feelings are a zombie echo chamber, then you will not only think weird but feel bad. That gets manifested. Imagine it is like a universal chef cooking you a burnt sandwich. Then you said I didn't ask for this, but he said well your thoughts, feelings ordered this. I'm giving you what you manifested. .
This means this can kill your results if you have a lot of wrong thoughts, with wrong triggered snowflake cunt feelings due to autism being too emotional due to low self-esteem, high ego triggering you since you are a weak-minded cunt manifesting bullshit in your life. .
Now, I know what you’re thinking.
It’s all inner game.
Well the tricky thing is that mindsets are more important than inner game bullshit RSD tries to foist on you. These 5 mindsets can be scored out of 10 each, for a total of 50. Which would get you laid much faster as you stop pulling the handbrake non stop!
And so I’ve created this Elite 30: From Hardcase To Hero digital product you can increase your mindsets so you can get laid faster by adapting faster levelling up your skillset which increases your beliefs.
Just like 20/35, the 5 mindsets can be scored too. If it is above 20, usually you would get a lay. But the zombies mindsets rarely go past 10/50 due to autism, corpus callosum problems, resistant delusional know-it-alls who tries to be the general failing their war in life, instead they should of been the solider, I am the general. They need to listen to orders so they can be coachable. They overestimate their mindset score. Its often double of what it really is.
And so what this is going to do is make you more coachable, instead of throwing your own stupid zombie steps into my training that blows up in your face, ruins your life where I will tell you I told you so later on since you are mindless, incompetent, low mindset score due to sociopathy, autism...!
And I, as daygame coach with nearly 500 laid/pull testimonials in the world at the time of this video, will be more than 500 soon who has nearly 500 laid/pull testimonials, what I do is I gave you 2 Skypes now instead of one. If they offer free random advice, it wouldn't matter since it is just worthless advice if it has less than 6 laid testimonials. I can't offer that since my stuff works. People who invest, emotionally invest. There is no free lunch. Would of costed you more money to get advice for life. Not worth it if it doesn't work. .
So what I’ve done is I’ve created this program to get rid of all of your excuses, so you never have to ask for free advice, it is all here giving you clarity on how to succeed or get laid in daygame like so many of my students. Also, I want that 80% pull, 70% of my students laid back. No soldiers left behind mentality. Since this is the solution, not the long drawn out treatment which other dating coaches were using to make you fail in their digital products not getting you laid so you take their bootcamps. Of course you like bootcamps as the first resort since you are low functioning, but I am saying there is another way. A path many of my students took, which was drilling it all down. Some of my students repeats Elite 30, extracts more and more lays that way..
And when we get together tomorrow, I'm going to give you all the details about how you can get started.
I honestly don’t know how much longer we’ll keep this Elite 30: From Hardcase To Hero digital product available and prices will probably go up because you will l earn GRIT. You can either get mentally bothered by how much work it seems it is. Or waste the same amount of work spam approaching which you don't get laid for a decade in daygame unless you were a tall white or black looking guy which doesn't work anymore during the pandemic. .
So make sure you click the link tomorrow to get all the details while it’s still available.
We’re always here to help and I can’t tell you all the amazing results we’ve gotten for daygamers just like you who are struggling with getting laid during Covid 19.
I can’t wait to see you on the inside.
Have a great day.
80% pull, 70% lay
There I was, a daygame coach trying to get back to my 80% of students pulling, 70% getting laid, well when they used a Skype then they are officially my students. Not just the course junkies who won't take action.
The thing is, at the time I was the pandemic where the mindsets was shit, their 5 mindset scores were lower, they lacked GRIT. Plus they didn't have enough LMS + social skills, social calibrations, emotional control, game to get laid to get 20/35.
The big problem was that once delta hit, some of my lowest functioning students with corpus callosum issues failed since they were lazy emotional snowflake cunts. To spite them for being lazy, I kept posting one laid testimonial after another, making them realized they should of listened to me. That meant it didn't look good for business if these zombies wasn't getting laid. Of course other dating coaches daygame courses has no laid testimonials, I have non stop, but I do no go by their low standards, which got people to say some of my students were tall. When in fact they actually put in the work to practice their skills in front of the mirror seeing their mistakes since they weren't lazy. They dismissed all my short students who got laid during the pandemic for daygame.
Then, as if by chance, something amazing happened...
I realized that 20% of the students will never get laid. So for the pandemic it means if they get their mindsets right, their GRIT right, their 20/35 right, they will get laid automatically. it can be done over and over again about 20/35 is everything for your overall score so Elite 30 is crucial to get an extra 5 points for social skills, social calibrations. That requires GRIT, even if your corpus callosum doesn't work, you still need enough habits neuropathways for 21 days to compensate. It is doable if you stop being lazy cunts!
Instantly it became crystal clear to me how to get 80% all laid or keep them out of the 20% that doesn't. They first need resilience to the max, not just half resilience spam approaching. Then they need to listen to me since they can't stop resisting since they don't worship me. They worship other dating coaches, fills their mind with 10/10 teachability with worthless opinions with less than 6 laid testimonials when their daygame courses doesn't even work. Since those dating coaches are status maxing, because I saw there are room for improvement, to get back some of the 80% pull, 70% lay. .
My plan was to start educating them that during Delta, the biggest issue was instinct, not doing it my way.
So I started making so many Youtube Live videos educating the PUA zombies about GRIT. But we didn’t stop there.
We then educated them that Omnicom was all about resilience. They were mentally breaking down, not approaching. Or if they do, they are going direct which is anti GRIT, failing non-stop. They no longer care about daygame laid testimonials so they are turning from Asian Carps to Asian Monks, meditating, taking massive action, not getting laid turning into wizards.
After that, we created this free course to unbrainwash or deprogram the sheeps who are dismissing Elite 30 even if it is the cure to all your daygame problems. You have to adapt your skillset, not spam approach without skills, playing a numbers game which it wouldn't work if you aren't above 20/35.
Building on that success, we decided to just give away 3 free chapters of Elite 30 so you can have a sampler course too.
We call it “Before Elite 30”.
With Before Elite 30I can nowget 80% of the students pulling women home, 70% laid again if I took away all of your excuses!
And that's why I'm so excited to share this with you so you can get these types of results too!
There I was, a daygame coach trying to get my students to understand first principles, how you shouldn't reason by analogy.
The thing is, at the time I was people dismissing what I am teaching if it wasn't said by other dating coaches, who doesn't even have as many student laid testimonials for daygame as me or anywhere close.
The big problem was that people were reasoning by analogy or the past. Like RSD or Mystery said that or London Daygame or Justin Wayne or self-proclaimed high laycounts guy... . That meant no matter what I said, they are brainwashed so they keep reasoning by the past, which they have given authority to the wrong people, filling their mind full of worthless opinions.
Then, as if by chance, something amazing happened...
I discovered first principles about how you can break things into the fundamental truths then reason up from there. Kind of like how Elon Musk asked how much does batteries cost. Then he realized if he bought all the components separately he can make it for a fraction of that. If he reasoned by analogy they would of told him battery packs were expensive, they always will be like that!
Instantly it became crystal clear to me how to get non-stop laid testimonials reasoning by first principles which is my 20/35 chart because I saw everything is already broken down to the fundamental truth like the battery pack example from Elon Musk. It also means I broke it all down in every detail. If you get past a certain threshold or 20/35, it is an automatic lay in daygame.
My plan was to start educating people about this Elon Musk principle which I also agree with or apply to my coaching itself.
So I started educating people that everyone else reasons by analogy or the past. I mean Mystery... how many daygame laid testimonials did he get? or his derivatives? Like ABCS of Low Self Esteem or Self Proclaimed high laycounts guy? 6 or 3? come on now.... But we didn’t stop there.
We then educated them that the solutions are always thinking outside of the box. Not some stupid simplification of some Occam's Razer concept. Or reasoning by analogy since that is only 3 daygame laid testimonials which is a worthless opinion, mental laziness in terms of reasoning by analogy, Mystery said this, Mystery said that. Who gives a fuck what Mystery said, he is a nightgame with no infields.
After that, we educated the PUA zombies that if they made the right physical changes, made the mindset upgrades, then work on the 30-day challenge for habits, they would most likely automatically get laid in terms of first principles since the first one will improve your looks, v-shaped body for physical changes, your mindsets for the mindset playlist, lastly the habits will level up your neuropathways which takes 21 days.
Hey, did you know that Elon Musk has 5 principles of engineering which my daygame system follows, but not other dating coaches who reasons by analogy? ?
I know it sounds crazy because we’re so used to hearing about that adding more steps means more. Instead less is more. You take away all the unnecessary steps, you get a daygame system that gets nearly 500 laid/pull testimonials, and while that is important, I’m going to share three elon musk engineering principless with you today that’s going to revolutionize the way you think about optimization for daygame.
I’m John Elite and I am daygame coach with nearly 500 laid/pull testimonials in the world at the time of this video, will be more than 500 soon who has 500 laid/pull testimonials or close for daygame.
So what is 5 principles of Elon Musk of engineering that can be applied to daygame??
It’s the principles of the man who made the most money in the world, disrupted so many industries, the principles are transferable anywhere.
It’s debunking a lot of the dumb unnecessary steps in the daygame industry that doesn't lead to more daygame laid testimonials.
So I’m going to share with you 3 elon musk engineering principless about the principles of the man who made the most money in the world, disrupted so many industries, the principles are transferable anywhere and how you can actually use a real optimized system that actually gets you laid. The funny thing is I can actually get you laid without a bootcamp unlike them. Their daygame courses doesn't work, just funnels you into a bootcamp to make more money. But you think they would never do that to you.. ummmm you sure?.
And I know what you’re probably thinking: its adding more steps, more is better, everything and the kitchen sink. .
But again, I’m going to show you a great way you can reduce unnecessary steps, techniques to get more lays using my daygame system and get amazing results.
So the first elon musk engineering principles is, make the requirements less dumb.
The big idea here is if you add RSD zombie concepts, or direct game, validation, romance, funnels.
This is important because I mean Todd V who validates non stop, gives direct compliments. Has 3 laid testimonials for daygame. Same with self-proclaimed high laycounts guys, 3 at the time using funnels too, didn't work, 3 again. Justin Wayne 10 laid testimonials with romance. Not everyone fits in as boyfriend material!
The second elon musk engineering principles is remove unnecessary steps.
The main thing to understand here is that remove so many steps, to the point where you need to put it back to make it work. .
This means my system that got nearly 500 laid/pull testimonials at the time. Most likely way more by now doesn't actually need direct game, validation, romance, funnels to make it work. It literally debunks those unnecessary steps.
The third elon musk engineering principles is don't optimize what doesn't need to be optimized.
Direct game, validation, funnels, no matter how much you optimize it for daygame, it doesn't get a lot of testimonials. Romance, a tiny bit if you mix it with sexual, but nowhere near the amount of laid testimonials I get when it is 100% sexual.
This is key because let's say you optimize romance. But not everyone fits into a boyfriend-girlfriend frame. It isn't as transferable. But if you have sex with her enough times as a fuck buddy she turns into a girlfriend, she asks what are we? Or why optimize funnels, 3 laid testimonials for it from a tall white coach?.
Now, I know what you’re thinking.
It’s all about their infields, or whatever nonsense.
Well the tricky thing is that its all about the laid testimonials to determine if something is optimized or not optimized. The more unnecessary steps the less laid testimonials they have. You don't need to optimize what doesn't need t be optimized...!
There I was, a daygame coach trying to get people to realize how low their skills are.
The thing is, at the time I was students who were delusional, corpus callosum issues with their brain, which leads to low self esteem which means higher ego, then more delusions, the wrong path or steps the sociopath, which fails in 4 months doing it their way.
The big problem was that when I asked how they rated their 5 mindsets, they always gave themselves a 7/10 for teachability or adaptability. But in reality they are closer to a 0 or 1/10. That meant this happened to so many of the worst students. The scary thing is I made baseball cards to score them objectively, for their 20/35 score, their mindsets, their GRIT. They all have less than 10/50 for their 5 mindset score, which made me tired of teaching the unteachable, so I moved them to the inner circle. But they are doing well there, its slower paced, which is perfect for them..
Then, as if by chance, something amazing happened...
I the dunning krugger effect about In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is. It is related to the cognitive bias of illusory superiority and comes from the inability of people to recognize their lack of ability.!
Instantly it became crystal clear to me how to make it clear to them that they have a lower score due to the dunning Kruger effect due to autism, corpus callosum issues, sociopathy. So they are just low functioning spam approachers without any focus to do it properly to level up in the mirror since they are lazy cunts without any skills, because I saw the less skills they have, the higher they rate their skill level. .
My plan was to start educating the students on their real score making these baseball cards.
So I started to post it for the students so they can see where they stand vs the other students. But we didn’t stop there.
We then educated them almost always their 20/35 score is less than 10, if that is even possible. Same with their mindset. Something isn't working with their SMV or their mindset.
After that, weeducated you all in this video that this dunning Kruger effect happens to those with the lowest 20/35 score, the lowest mindsets. Its like the ugly chick who thinks she is hotter since more guys hits on her on Tinder, since they don't believe they can get her hot friend who is hit on less. The lower the score, the higher the delusions.
Building on that success, we decided to just give away 3 free chapters of Elite 30 so you can have a sampler course too.
We call it “Before Elite 30”.
With Before Elite 30I can nowget 80% of the students pulling women home, 70% laid again if I took away all of your excuses!
And that's why I'm so excited to share this with you so you can get these types of results too!
Hi my name is John Elite and did you know that the higher your ego is, the lower your self esteem is? The higher your self esteem is, the lower your ego is?
I know it sounds crazy because we’re so used to hearing about ego tripping means more confidence, and while that is important, I’m going to share three low self esteem principless with you today that’s going to revolutionize the way you think about why self esteem is the most important.
So what is the 4 principles of self esteem??
It’s high ego, low self esteem, low self esteem high ego.
So the first low self esteem principles is, You get more delusional.
The big idea here is higher the ego, lower the self esteem. You ego trip if you aren't getting laid, so you use ego to mask your lack of results to protect your ego. So you start to delude yourself, lowering your self esteem.
This is important because Your zombie VR will change, you will start to see things in a delusional way. You think women will be into you when they all flake on you. You can't perceive it or hear your mistakes since you are now as delusional as Charles Manson like RSD zombies!
The second low self esteem principles is you start to spam approach without any skills or calibration playing a numbers game.
The main thing to understand here is that due to your lack of competence, you believe in volume, spam approach, numbers game.
This means this is dangerous since this is like going out there, in a war without drilling down skills. You run up the hill to get your headshot off, or auto-rejected over and over an insane strategy reinforcing bad habits if done daily since it takes 21 days to form a habit when you have no status.
The third low self esteem principles is the wrong path, the sociopath.
These zombies, due to the fog of war, since they can't see all the steps or all the chess moves I can see. They will just resist all the advice then find out later on they were wrong.
This is key because this is what they call adding a zombie step. This is common among the delusional low self esteem students. They always have to add extra zombie steps to put their own stamp of approval on it or take a shit in the recipe to do that. It always fails later..
Now, I know what you’re thinking.
It’s all about charisma, or charm.
Well the tricky thing is that you are listening to other dating coaches who have a worthless opinion since they have less than 6 laid testimonials in daygame so they need to shut their fucking mouth projection mental bullshit, toxic waste. Or the motherload of bad advice!
And so I’ve created this Elite 30: From Hardcase To Hero digital product you can get laid much faster by not wasting time with unnecessary steps. No amount of free advice will make those unnecessary steps effective. You are in denial. Use your Skypes when you buy my product.
And I, as daygame coach with nearly 500 laid/pull testimonials in the world at the time of this video, will be more than 500 soon who has nearly 500 laid/pull testimonials, what I do is I gave you 2 Skypes now instead of one. If they offer free random advice, it wouldn't matter since it is just worthless advice if it has less than 6 laid testimonials. I can't offer that since my stuff works. People who invest, emotionally invest. There is no free lunch. Would of costed you more money to get advice for life. Not worth it if it doesn't work. .
So what I’ve done is I’ve created this program to get rid of all of your excuses, so you never have to ask for free advice, it is all here giving you clarity on how to succeed or get laid in daygame like so many of my students. Also, I want that 80% pull, 70% of my students laid back. No soldiers left behind mentality. Since this is the solution, not the long drawn out treatment which other dating coaches were using to make you fail in their digital products not getting you laid so you take their bootcamps. Of course you like bootcamps as the first resort since you are low functioning, but I am saying there is another way. A path many of my students took, which was drilling it all down. Some of my students repeats Elite 30, extracts more and more lays that way..
If you click the link, you can check out Elite 30 on my sales letter page, sign up, join now.
We also have more videos here to enlighten you, to unbrainwash you, to get you back on the line, getting that lay. Since my course is proven for the pandemic for daygame while their courses aren't. I have the laid testimonials for it, they don't. Having coaching testimonials doesn't count if it isn't from their daygame products. That just means it was designed as a preview for their bootcamps. But this is the solution, not the long drawn out treatment of worshipping, then no critical thinking, then status maxing, then gaslighting you with half truths, then you fall for it since you look at their subscriber count even if a small percentage of that views their videos. I suspect maybe some are bought, but i'm only speculating, not saying any particular dating coach. I could be wrong about this too. Then you buy their daygame courses, it doesn't work which was designed that way to be confusing with unclear concepts, you blame yourself for not getting laid, then you take their bootcamps as they laugh all the way to the bank. While I am offering you a fast cure. The more laid testimonials I get, the more students I get. At least that is the plan until you started to dismiss it so I am making this prep course for you for Elite 30, but today I’m talking about the Elite 30: From Hardcase To Hero digital product, which is amazing.
I'm John Elite and I can’t wait to see you on the inside.
Have a great day.
SHORT Epiphany Bridge Script
There I was, a daygame coach trying to help as many people as possible to get laid.
The thing is, at the time I was students that keeps asking for free advice, value taking.
The big problem was that there is no end to free advice, sometimes they take advantage of my kindness. People doesn't respect free advice. Unless they invested, they won't emotionally invest. Trust me there is no free lunch. That meant even if other dating coaches can offer free advice, it doesn't mean it would work. They might have to do it since they need laid testimonials. My advice is so accurate, it automatically leads to lays for those who are teachable, adaptable. Its like Elon Musk doesn't need to go into orbit since he has already proven his company can. But Jeff Bezos took the risk, same with Richard Branson since they haven't established that, which got people to dismiss my coaching since my offer isn't as good without the free advice or tips.
Then, as if by chance, something amazing happened...
I designed this new Before Elite 30 course so you don't need my free advice since everything is going to be taught to you here about how if someone does something for me, they usually psychologically want to do more. But the more I do for them, the more they take it for granted. This has happened over and over again.!
Instantly it became crystal clear to me how to charge for advice since I have a track record of getting people laid without a bootcamp, just by using my products and skypes, or Elite Access, because I saw my advice is like getting advice from Elon Musk, it simply works, its worth more.
My plan was to start educating people that I charge money for my advice on purpose, even if I can't match other peoples offer. But in reality I have proven non stop laid testimonials, over and over in daygame to the point where people have dismissed the laid testimonials.
So I started to educate people they shouldn't go from being an Asian carp to an Asian monk. Meaning you shouldn't go from spam approaching, not doing it my way properly, then go somewhere else, meditating, pumping your state, spam approaching, to the point of realizing you won't get results, then you will quit game to go all red pill. Then to MGTOW then spiral downwards further. You had the solution here. But we didn’t stop there.
We then educated them that I used to teach direct game, it didn't work too well. I rarely got testimonials even if I am the best daygame coach in the world. Using strategies that are not effective, if you don't have status or above 20/35 seems to be a bad strategy during the variants during the pandemic.
After that, weeducated you that my mission is to help Asian men. I am not happy if they are using something that isn't effective for daygame. They have the lowest status, if it doesn't work, it upsets me greatly when I have the solution.
Building on that success, we decided to just give away 3 free chapters of Elite 30 so you can have a sampler course too.
We call it “Before Elite 30”.
With Before Elite 30I can nowget 80% of the students pulling women home, 70% laid again if I took away all of your excuses!
And that's why I'm so excited to share this with you so you can get these types of results too!
There I was, a daygame coach trying to help as many people as possible to get laid.
The thing is, at the time I was the students mental filter.
The big problem was that if you try to text them advice they see it with their mental filter, their bias. Just as they see my course the first time dismissing it. The second time they see more depth. Sometimes when I send them an audio message they don't get all the info, with their swiss cheese brain due to their mental filter, plus being delusional. They have to listen to every instruction twice. Other times I have to Skype with them if they are slow. They don't get it, wasting hours of my time. This is the mental filter, caused by sociopathy, autism, delusional disorder since they are slow.. That meant they open their mental filter for other dating coaches when the other coaches stands next to a women, activating the procreation switch. Then the other dating coach can give them the half truth pill, where what they say is half truth. Then the rest focus on game or something else which isn't fully accurate. They will become helpless, brainwashed, then they will buy their courses, then get no results or minimal then these zombies will take a bootcamp while blaming themselves., which got people to stop listening to me or dismiss Elite 30 even if it is the solution or the cure. It isn't the long funneled drawn out solution that makes more money.
Then, as if by chance, something amazing happened...
I created this course, BEFORE ELITE 30 about how to unbrainwash someone by deprogramming them. Yes it will cause cognitive dissonance where there are two competing idea, then it causes the zombies brain pain so they just mentally shut down to deal with it. The better idea isn't about the infields or whatever irrelevant ideas. Who knows if white dating coaches infields even closes. They pulled, but what happened next? They never showed proof. So instead they should only look at the laid testimonials...!
Instantly it became crystal clear to me how to get through to them is to educate them, until they snap out of it like cult deprogramming, because I saw I can educate them that they have low self esteem, high ego, low functioning, delusional. It is like sticking my head in their dream saying dude .
My plan was to start releasing my free course called BEFORE ELITE 30.
So I started educating them like this so they understand their own brain, why they dismissed Elite 30.. But we didn’t stop there.
We then educated you why you shouldn't skip the Skypes. Since seeing me face to face you aren't seeing me through your own mental filter, your own bias. When I am able to answer questions back and forth it will penetrate your mental filter in your mind. It is like changing your blurry prescription glasses with a clearer one. Sometimes the only way to do that is to .
After that, weeducated you not to be delusional by dismissing the laid testimonials for daygame.
Building on that success, we decided to just give away 3 free chapters of Elite 30 so you can have a sampler course too.
We call it “Before Elite 30”.
With Before Elite 30I can nowget 80% of the students pulling women home, 70% laid again if I took away all of your excuses!
And that's why I'm so excited to share this with you so you can get these types of results too!
Hey, did you know that adding more things to a daygame system doesn't make it better??
I know it sounds crazy because we’re so used to hearing about more is more add more concepts, more strategies more techniques more tactics, and while that is important, I’m going to share three concepts relating to Less is more for daygames with you today that’s going to revolutionize the way you understand why my students have 500 laid/pull testimonials.
I’m John Elite and I am daygame coach with nearly 500 laid/pull testimonials in the world at the time of this video, will be more than 500 soon who has 500 laid/pull testimonials or close for daygame.
So what is that the top 1% in the daygame industry does the complete opposite of the most common practice. Even if it means cutting out a lot of nonsense that was reasoning by analogy. That puts you in first place. This is true of every industry. The top pro always says you know how everyone always thinks this? But actually the opposite is true. Yeah, the opposite is true, less is more?
It’s less is more.
It’s that you think you are winning the battle, but you are losing the war since you won't get laid. Neither with the other dating coaches have as many laid testimonials as I do.
So I’m going to share with you 3 concepts relating to Less is more for daygames about less is more and how you can actually get laid faster since I already removed so many things. I'm not a sociopath with opinions as facts loving everything that I do. I'm willing to discard things. Todd V for example didn't discard anything, just spewed his mental bullshit, now he has 3 laid testimonials. I have almost 500 at this time. He added direct, validation, non stop gamey tactics to his daygame system.
And I know what you’re probably thinking: if you add more things, wouldn't things eventually work? something will eventually stick?.
But again, I’m going to show you a great way you can get laid faster in daygame using Elite 30 and get amazing results.
So the first concepts relating to Less is more for daygame is, Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, add uniquely what is your own.
The big idea here is I have field tested, split tested every daygame system so I have discarded so much junk.
This is important because most of the daygame system is just zombie mental bullshit for autistic people. It sounds cringy as hell, autistic try hard. No 3 steps since their corpus callosum don't work. Doesn't sound like real naturals I know. Also, too structured, not adaptive like an A.I is trying to figure out social skills!
The second concepts relating to Less is more for daygame is the pareto principle.
The main thing to understand here is that 20% of your selection will give you 80% of the results .
This means it means not everything is necessary since this has been true of everything. 20% of the population owns 80% of the wealth. I got the 20% down due to field testing, split testing on my low SMV Asian body. They have way more SMV than I do for the 20/35 concept, status maxing hardly transferable.
The third concepts relating to Less is more for daygame is Krav Maga.
It is an Israeli Military martial art I trained in for 5 years which discard any moves that doesn't work for the shortest, skinniest, oldest weakest solider in the worst situation possible.
This is key because discarding is normal. No moves are added to it if it only works for the high SMV the samurai game designed for high valued people. Ninja tactics is for low SMV guys who I teach who I can get laid over and over again. Especially the Asians with a 1/10 or 0/10 perceived natural status during Covid 19.
Now, I know what you’re thinking.
It’s all about game, tactics, strategies, more is better.
Well the tricky thing is that you listen to dating coaches without as many laid testimonials as me or rarely any. Having less than 6 for example is considered a worthless opinion. No matter what they said doesn't work, since it is status maxing. You are being brainwashed!
And so I’ve created this Elite 30: From Hardcase To Hero digital product you can get laid much faster by not wasting time with unnecessary steps. No amount of free advice will make those unnecessary steps effective. You are in denial. Use your Skypes when you buy my product.
Just like 20/35, the 5 mindsets can be scored too. If it is above 20, usually you would get a lay. But the zombies mindsets rarely go past 10/50 due to autism, corpus callosum problems, resistant delusional know-it-alls who tries to be the general failing their war in life, instead they should of been the solider, I am the general. They need to listen to orders so they can be coachable. They overestimate their mindset score. Its often double of what it really is.
And so what this is going to do is make you more coachable, instead of throwing your own stupid zombie steps into my training that blows up in your face, ruins your life where I will tell you I told you so later on since you are mindless, incompetent, low mindset score due to sociopathy, autism...!
And I, as daygame coach with nearly 500 laid/pull testimonials in the world at the time of this video, will be more than 500 soon who has nearly 500 laid/pull testimonials, what I do is I gave you 2 Skypes now instead of one. If they offer free random advice, it wouldn't matter since it is just worthless advice if it has less than 6 laid testimonials. I can't offer that since my stuff works. People who invest, emotionally invest. There is no free lunch. Would of costed you more money to get advice for life. Not worth it if it doesn't work. .
So what I’ve done is I’ve created this program to get rid of all of your excuses, so you never have to ask for free advice, it is all here giving you clarity on how to succeed or get laid in daygame like so many of my students. Also, I want that 80% pull, 70% of my students laid back. No soldiers left behind mentality. Since this is the solution, not the long drawn out treatment which other dating coaches were using to make you fail in their digital products not getting you laid so you take their bootcamps. Of course you like bootcamps as the first resort since you are low functioning, but I am saying there is another way. A path many of my students took, which was drilling it all down. Some of my students repeats Elite 30, extracts more and more lays that way..
And when we get together tomorrow, I'm going to give you all the details about how you can get started.
I honestly don’t know how much longer we’ll keep this Elite 30: From Hardcase To Hero digital product available and prices will probably go up because you will l earn GRIT. You can either get mentally bothered by how much work it seems it is. Or waste the same amount of work spam approaching which you don't get laid for a decade in daygame unless you were a tall white or black looking guy which doesn't work anymore during the pandemic. .
So make sure you click the link tomorrow to get all the details while it’s still available.
We’re always here to help and I can’t tell you all the amazing results we’ve gotten for daygamers just like you who are struggling with getting laid during Covid 19 for daygame.
I can’t wait to see you on the inside.
Have a great day.
did you know that adapting faster gets you laid faster if you have GRIT? you are doing things the right way, my way backed by 500 laid/pull testimonials. When they don't even have more than 6 laid testimonials, having what I call a worthless opinion??
I know it sounds crazy because we’re so used to hearing about its about volume, a numbers game, and while that is important, I’m going to share three secrets about speed of implementations with you today that’s going to revolutionize the way you understand why my students have 500 laid/pull testimonials.
So what is speed of implementation??
It’s all about speed of adapting since it gets you laid faster.
So the first secrets about speed of implementation is, prolonged warfare is dangerous.
The big idea here is in chapter 2 the art of war, a Chinese strategy book, if you go slow, you dull your armor, weapons, also drain the economy.
This is important because the corpus callosum cunt students all are slow. Slow to get the concept, then resist non stop, then it doesn't get done since they think they know better, slowing down their results. The trained their brain to learn slow, also incorrectly due to delusions. They can't go fast, adapt fast!
The second secrets about speed of implementation is the fog of war.
The main thing to understand here is that its is like a role playing game, where you can't see the entire map, its all darken out. Except the area you have conquered. .
This means when I give them advice they resist everything thinking they know it all. They get slain by the dragon boss in the first level. Instead, if they did it my way they would get to the next levels faster. I can see the entire map without the fog of war. They can't know it alls delusional autistic fucks.
The third secrets about speed of implementation is full resilience, being stoic .
You can intellectualize how fucked up the situation is. But you have to turn off your emotions then go deal with the problem.
This is key because these Omnicunts can't do that, they get emotional. So nothing gets done since they are barely hanging on by using half resilience. They are half assing it spam approaching being low functioning. Instead they need to turn off their emotions to free up resources to use full resilience .
Now, I know what you’re thinking.
It’s about taking your time, taking massive uncalibrated action, being an Asian carp, now an Asian monk, its the journey, not about the results.
Well the tricky thing is that daygame laid testimonials do matter. If your hero coaches doesn't have many, then why would you listen to it? You say they get results, you get results as you get burnt again. You should of went fast, doing it my way as fast as possible with drills!
And so I’ve created this Elite 30: From Hardcase To Hero digital product you can actually get laid like all my students when you go fast, do it my way for once, instead of being course junkies, cowards, low functioning zombies with corpus callosum problems.
And I, as daygame coach with nearly 500 laid/pull testimonials in the world at the time of this video, will be more than 500 soon who has nearly 500 laid/pull testimonials, what I do is I gave you 2 Skypes now instead of one. If they offer free random advice, it wouldn't matter since it is just worthless advice if it has less than 6 laid testimonials. I can't offer that since my stuff works. People who invest, emotionally invest. There is no free lunch. Would of costed you more money to get advice for life. Not worth it if it doesn't work. .
So what I’ve done is I’ve created this program to get rid of all of your excuses, so you never have to ask for free advice, it is all here giving you clarity on how to succeed or get laid in daygame like so many of my students. Also, I want that 80% pull, 70% of my students laid back. No soldiers left behind mentality. Since this is the solution, not the long drawn out treatment which other dating coaches were using to make you fail in their digital products not getting you laid so you take their bootcamps. Of course you like bootcamps as the first resort since you are low functioning, but I am saying there is another way. A path many of my students took, which was drilling it all down. Some of my students repeats Elite 30, extracts more and more lays that way..
If you click the link, you can check out Elite 30 on my sales letter page, sign up, join now.
We also have more videos here to enlighten you, to unbrainwash you, to get you back on the line, getting that lay. Since my course is proven for the pandemic for daygame while their courses aren't. I have the laid testimonials for it, they don't. Having coaching testimonials doesn't count if it isn't from their daygame products. That just means it was designed as a preview for their bootcamps. But this is the solution, not the long drawn out treatment of worshipping, then no critical thinking, then status maxing, then gaslighting you with half truths, then you fall for it since you look at their subscriber count even if a small percentage of that views their videos. I suspect maybe some are bought, but i'm only speculating, not saying any particular dating coach. I could be wrong about this too. Then you buy their daygame courses, it doesn't work which was designed that way to be confusing with unclear concepts, you blame yourself for not getting laid, then you take their bootcamps as they laugh all the way to the bank. While I am offering you a fast cure. The more laid testimonials I get, the more students I get. At least that is the plan until you started to dismiss it so I am making this prep course for you for Elite 30, but today I’m talking about the Elite 30: From Hardcase To Hero digital product, which is amazing.
I'm John Elite and I can’t wait to see you on the inside.
Have a great day.