I was a daygame coach trying to convince RSD victims that it is outside in.
I really wanted to get people to use social calibrations so I wouldn't have to deal with resistant low self esteem daygamers .

I wanted to be able to get them laid as fast as possible so I would get more laid testimonials and I could I could get more people laid.
The thing is I was how they think it is inside out, not outside in...
That meant I wasn’t able to get them laid as fast as possible so I would get more laid testimonials, let alone I could get more people laid.
To make things worse, I felt terrible because they made so many approaches since RSD told them that you have an unlimited amount of chips in a casino.
The longer they use this nonsense with lower SMV or sexual market value the longer they reinforced bad habits.
I felt even worse about the situation because it worked for 1% of the RSD victims who either were using steroids, or they had height.
While 1% doesn't seem like a lot, there are a lot of low self esteem delusional RSD victim zombies.
I felt like these people were really off.
They had all sorts of false belief due to their delusions.
The 1% preaches to the other 99% then ruins their lives.
Once RSD gets involves with their thinking, that 1% with protector status ruins the lives of everyone else on a massive scale. Taking away their future, their ability to procreate....
The problem was that that they believe it was all this inner game nonsense how they are enough, looks don't matter, race doesn't matter, freedom from outcome.
They just became weird.
It was like these RSD zombies were delusional.
They believe they could inner game that shit.
They believe if they inner game it, somehow it would show up on their body language which is not the case.
If they had higher SMV, or sexual market value, they might get a lay after thousands of approaches, but has a lot of PTSD from all the rejections.
The ones who has lower SMV will just be outright rejected getting no results. Common among the really really short RSD victim students.
Which meant they were stuck with this inner game nonsense, getting no results, this hurt a lot of Asian daygamers.
I was told that 1/5 Asian men wouldn't procreate. That was unacceptable.
This literally takes procreation away from them, they don't even know it yet.
They were delusional..., which made RSD rich, as the manipulate the zombies with inner game nonsense, woo woo mindset nonsense.
Then, as if by chance, something amazing happened...
That's when I Discovered it was all outside in first, until you plateau, then it is inside out when you finally reach that point. Then back to outside in.

But it never starts inside out.
Even if you expect the lay to happen, tried to change your facial expressions body language to be more confident...
what you feel on the inside usually doesn't translate to the outside.
Most of my students who felt confident, expecting that lay,
But when they send me their infield sounds over confident, speaks super fast, can't read the womens facial expressions. Has no facial expressions, incongruent with their body, tonality, facial expressions, lacking social skills on any level.
Its all about Outside in first, not inside out!
It was now crystal clear to me how to get more students laid by creating a daygame course that has a 30 day challenge of social calibrations, social skills.
Without depending on your emotional state, or a bunch of vague theories about inner game., because I saw RSD style inner game isn't important .
I also learned that game wasn't everything,
it is only 25% of the equation of social skills, social calibrations, emotional control, lastly game.. each worth 2.5 points each.
If you can get 20/35, you automatically get laid in daygame.
Since social calibrations and social skills are worth 5 points, that is huge.
This is an advantage that other dating coaches doesn't teach, but the naturals the guys who are already good with women for most of their life has.
you need to use GRIT or the 5 mindsets instead so that will release your handbrakes so you can start drilling down the skills of Elite 30, one day at a time.

Rather than focusing on that lay, like a thirsty virgin playing a numbers game in daygame being creepy... you need to start building your skills up.
Even if you had to do the 30 day challenge in front of a mirror first for a few hours then go outside to approach when you have it down instead.
As a result I made a course called Elite 30: From Hardcase to Hero with a 30 day challenge. .
After I did that, I started educating people that it was outside in, since this is the only thing that was being taught.
A lot of my students pulls women home on the first day with social calibrations alone. Without any game tactics or inner game nonsense.
Suddenly, I was getting non stop student laid testimonials for daygame during Covid 19.
That’s when I realized that the secret to convince RSD victims that it is outside in was that you have to train the outside first.

You can't willfully change habits with your mind.
It is like training in martial arts, but using your inner game.
While that can be important, it is more important to build the outside first, so that increases your confidence.
Competence equals confidence.
Pumping your state, a term that means pumping your emotional state of mindset will just help you ego trip.
Higher the ego, the lower the self esteem.
Lower the ego, higher the self esteem.
These guys are stuck in a low self esteem loop, if they have lower SMV or sexual market value, they will fail even more..
My plan was to start educating people that RSD inner game is toxic. Its better to use the John Elite 5 mindsets, mixed with GRIT.
Which that acronym stands for growth, resilience, instinct, tenacity. You need to have the right strategy... my strategy or instinct to get results.
But you need a growth mindset, not just resilience spam approaching when you didn't do things outside in first, drilling down those socially calibrated habits first.
So I started to release a course on social calibrations.
But I didn’t stop there.
I then educated people the first day of my bootcamp is social calibrations.
Many people pull women home.
Most of my bootcamp students gets laid or pull.
Only a very few didn't get results. So social calibrations is the answer.
After that, I educated people by posting non stop laid testimonials in daygame during Covid 19 of people who got laid using Elite 30. .
But there was still a problem...
Some of my students were still brainwashed, couldn't get their head around outside in, skills first, drilled down. They still did a huge numbers game without any skills regardless.
it was like they were throwing the ball at the hoop for basketball as hard as they can yelling lay, lay, lay...
They don't realize, you need skills, skills, skills.
You get skills by drilling it down. This is the same way the Army does it. You learn outside in first to build your competence.
Skills comes in 4 stages.. unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, conscious competence, unconscious competence.

Most of these RSD victim inner game, numbers game guys never even got to conscious incompetence.
They have no awareness.
Even if you try to explain it to them, point out their mistakes, they can't change it, nor understand it.
That is why they are called zombies...
I ended up getting so frustrated that I decided to call out RSD, made a ton of videos debunking RSD mindsets one by one until people weren't brainwashed.
Even though the zombies still refuses to acknowledge it isn't a numbers game.
I chose to call it “outside in first, not inside out. Outer game, not inner game. Anything for your mind is not RSD's inner game, but John Elite's mindset.
GRIT which is often more outside in than inside out.
Since you have to physically practice the growth mindset, resilience, right instincts, tenacity.
Or the John Elite 5 mindsets you have to be teachable, changeable, skillful, believe in yourself, manifestation (right thoughts/feelings)
These are actually closer to good habits or outside in, not inside out.. ”.
I thought if I could create something that would make it possible to got so many student laid testimonials during Covid 19, I posted one after another even back to back on Youtube Live.
They were all using social calibrations, success leaves clues, I'll be really happy.
After all these years of calling out RSD's inner game nonsense. I finally made a lot of videos debunking their mindsets, then posted non stop proof that it is really outside in.
Not just inside out,
I created the outside in first, not inside out concept.
Outer game, not inner game. Anything for your mind is not RSD's inner game, but John Elite's mindset.
GRIT which is often more outside in than inside out.
Since you have to physically practice the growth mindset, resilience, right instincts, tenacity.
Or the John Elite 5 mindsets you have to be teachable, changeable, skillful, believe in yourself, manifestation (right thoughts/feelings)
These are actually closer to good habits or outside in, not inside out..
I can now get so many laid testimonials, more than anyone for daygame for minorities of all races.
I wasn't just getting taller white students laid who were good looking who was 10/10 for perceived natural status, 8/10 for looks, where they just need to get 2 points to get over that line of fvckability.
That isn't skills.
Often times they have such bad social calibrations, hands in the pocket, trying to act like James Bond, then using some confidence, vibe to get over that line..
I then started to let other daygamers use outside in first, not inside out.
Outer game, not inner game.
Anything for your mind is not RSD's inner game, but John Elite's mindset.
GRIT which is often more outside in than inside out.
Since you have to physically practice the growth mindset, resilience, right instincts, tenacity.
Or the John Elite 5 mindsets you have to be teachable, changeable, skillful, believe in yourself, manifestation (right thoughts/feelings)
These are actually closer to good habits or outside in, not inside out.. .
As a result of all this I was able to achieve the following:
I was able to get non stop laid testimonials even during Covid 19. It really is all social calibrations.
It is good to mix it with real social skills, not gamified socio skills of technical game nonsense
After creating outside in first, not inside out concept.
Outer game, not inner game.
Anything for your mind is not RSD's inner game, but John Elite's mindset.
GRIT which is often more outside in than inside out. Since you have to physically practice the growth mindset, resilience, right instincts, tenacity.
Or the John Elite 5 mindsets you have to be teachable, changeable, skillful, believe in yourself, manifestation (right thoughts/feelings)
These are actually closer to good habits or outside in, not inside out.. , I was not only able to get so many students laid during Covid 19,
I’ve also been able to stop people from believing RSD is the answer for inner game nonsense, because I can now post non stop laid testimonials forever and won't run out.
And in the end, all of this means I’m now able to get more of the number game zombies to start using social calibrations... even if I still need a lot of work to convince them to drill it down, practice, rehearse since they are lazy since they are not resilient.
Since if they have to practice or do more work their mind will shut down since they can't handle stress.
They think inner game charisma, RSD concepts, playing a numbers game will get them laid if they just made 10,000 approaches.
But if the first 2000 doesn't work, why would doing this many more work?
Makes no sense to me.
You need skills, you need to drill it down.
You need a new opportunity with Eltie 30 or Kaizen which are social calibrations courses .